

    Dr Holly Graham is finding life with two sets of twins exhausting. Even with husband Dr Taffy Jones and devoted friend Elsie by her side, she is completely outnumbered. Making the transition back to work will be no easy feat but a regular slot on Radio Larkford as their on-air doctor might be the perfect stepping stone, until an unexpected job offer changes everything.

    Dr Alice Walker’s new canine clinic at Larkford Surgery with Coco, her assistance dog, has been a storming success. If only shipping her best friend, Dr Tilly Grainger, in from South America to cover for Holly had been such a smooth transition. It seems that Tilly isn’t finding life in the peaceful Cotswolds valley as rewarding as she’d hoped, and she is causing chaos ...

    Snowed in at the Practice by Penny Parkes

    I’ve absolutely adored the first 3 books in the “Practice” series by Penny Parkes, they are so cosy and inviting, it doesn’t take long for you to feel welcome when you start the next one in the series.

    The writing is easy to get on with an or sink hours into reading it, barely stopping to eat and sleep (oh and work, don’t tell my boss). The characters are relatable or recognisable in people you may know, especially if you live in a similar sized community.

    Once again we follow a few different characters viewpoints, which worked really nicely to keep the flow, never a chance for you to get bored as you pick up each character’s story thread.

    Holly is obviously centre stage for most of it, and it’s nice to see her out of the surgery as she is towards the end of her maternity leave, though she is certainly keen to return, but understandably feels torn. Her practical mind is still at the forefront trying to make everything run more smoothly.

    I Loved Taffy as ever, though it was nice to see him as flawed and not the perfect partner he was on the first three books.

    Dan and his partner Grace had a really nice side plot that was very touching in a heart-warming and heart-breaking way. I adored new character Plum, she was amazing, and loved how she fitted into life in Larkford.

    Simply put, everything about this book was enticing and once more I found myself reluctant to leave Larkford.

    Publisher: Simon and Schuster
    Kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for a honest review

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    Dr Holly Graham is finding life with two sets of twins exhausting. Even with husband Dr Taffy Jones and devoted friend Elsie by her side, she is completely outnumbered. Making the transition back to work will be no easy feat but a regular slot on Radio Larkford as their on-air doctor might be the perfect stepping stone, until an unexpected job offer changes everything. <br /> <br /> Dr Alice Walker’s new canine clinic at Larkford Surgery with Coco, her assistance dog, has been a storming success. If only shipping her best friend, Dr Tilly Grainger, in from South America to cover for Holly had been such a smooth transition. It seems that Tilly isn’t finding life in the peaceful Cotswolds valley as rewarding as she’d hoped, and she is causing chaos ...Snowed in at the Practice by Penny Parkes