Rachale's Reads

The Memory Book by Rowan Coleman

I’ve found this book incredibly hard to review. Not because I didn’t like it but I’ve spent the last 2 months completely speechless about it, unable to collect my thoughts into more than “waaaaaaaaah” while reaching for the box of tissues that is a must if reading this book! I’ve manned up though, so here it is!  

The book is split into diary entries in the memory book that Claire starts, written by various people, and they were a joy to read. The main book is told by 2 viewpoints.  

Claire who is suffering from early onset Alzheimer’s and Caitlin, her daughter. This allows you to see both perspectives, the sufferer and how it effects the ones they love. You could really feel both the frustration and helplessness Claire felt, as she was unable to remember things she was once so able to do, and at the people around her who trusted her less because of this. I completely got where she was coming from and it just broke my heart to read.  

Although a lot of this is sad, you get occasionally get this little bit of humour through Claire’s narration which was a nice touch on a book this emotional.  

On the other hand, reading Caitlin’s point of view was equally sad, seeing how hard it was on her and the rest of the family seeing someone they love change both drastically and irreversibly and through no fault of their own. Every word of this book was just amazing.  

This book is just one big emotional rollercoaster, I cried a lot throughout this book (I think my boyfriend was getting worried at one point). This book is just amazing, very few books have made such an impression on me (I can only name one off the top of my head). This is just one of those books that you cannot miss out on!  

Published by: Ebury
Gratefully received from the Publisher for review.

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