Rachale's Reads

Just Between Friends by Rosie Nixon

I’ve wanted to read Rosie Nixon’s previous books, and while this one seems to be different in tone, having recently become a mother myself, this clearly piqued my interest, and I knew I had to read it asap.

This book was incredibly easy to get into, it is told by both Aisha and Lucy who quickly become friends, after meeting at antenatal classes. We hear from both women separately and they are both great to get to know, and boohoo quite distinctive personalities.

Lucy is very determined and focused. She wants something, she works as hard as possible to get that. I can picture her exactly in my mind. I think between her and Aisha, Lucy came across as the less warm of the two, but I loved seeing their friendship blossom.

Aisha was more emotional, you felt everything she felt, her natural nervousness at becoming a mother for the first time, her frustration at trying to get Jason on board with fatherhood.

The supporting cast certainly were an eclectic bunch, and I loved all of them.

The books pace didn’t linger, but definitely gave you enough detail to lose yourself into their world.

This book has definitely got me excited to read future books by Rosie and to delve into my bookshelves and read her previous books too.

Bonus Points because I don’t think it was uttered once in the whole book that morning sickness doesn’t only happen in the morning, which pretty much every book I’ve ever read with a pregnant character has mentioned to date. THANK YOU, I KNOW, THE PREVIOUS 563 BOOKS TOLD ME!!!

Published by: HQ
Gratefully received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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