Rachale's Reads

Sometimes I Lie by Alice Feeney

Last Sunday I found out that the author of this book had an event at my local Waterstone’s branch on Tuesday evening, I had it on Kindle, so set myself the challenge of reading and reviewing it before the event. Sadly, I was much busier with work than planned, so I managed to read the book prior to attending the event but had no time to write my review. Anyway, I now have a shiny signed copy in my bookcase, and have finished the review 🙂


The synopsis for this book is short, to the point and incredibly mysterious. It begs you to read it and when I did, I could barely put the book down, and when I had to for work or sleep, I did so grudgingly.  

It has 3 different time periods so to speak. “Before” from Amber’s childhood, “Then” which is the days leading up to Amber’s accident and “Now” where you are with Amber’s mind as she lays in a coma, able to hear and see things, but unable to speak or move.   What is clear throughout the book, regardless of time, was that Amber is as unreliable as she promises when she tells us that Sometimes she lies. Within 2 pages you can find yourself not trusting, and being wary of her, but on the next page you can like and empathise with her.

Slowly though my barrier broke down and I found myself trusting her more and more, it was other people I was doubting. Claire, her sister and Paul, her husband are acting strange throughout the whole book, so there is definite doubt in pretty much every character. It seemed that Amber wasn’t the only one that lied, or at least acting very suspiciously.

The childhood diaries were a part I wasn’t expecting, it was great to see Amber’s childhood, and it explained a lot. Her parents were very distant at the best of times, and while she wasn’t the best behaved child in the world, even before a paticularly bad incident, she seemed very lonely and her parents could have done so much more.  

This is ending up much shorter than most of my reviews, but I don’t want to say too much. Anything more that I want to say could be classed as a spoiler. The only thing you really need to take away from the review is that you should read this book. It’s deliciously dark, I didn’t see the end coming at all.   

Published by: HQ  

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