Rachale's Reads

Single By Christmas by Rosa Temple

Thank you to Rosa for inviting me to review this book. I am reviewing it to coincide with a price drop running from November 28th 2016 – 4th December 2016. Make sure to pick it up from Amazon

This book sounded a lot of fun. A book that you can read and enjoy to take your mind off of real life, and it was pretty much just that. It’s pretty outrageous at tie, and that is exactly what you need at times.

The writing makes it easy to capture your attention for long reading sessions. This is mostly in part to our protagonist, Alex. At times I really empathised with her, and the rest was spent in shock at her outrageous attitude. I understand how dejected Charlie felt in their first week of mishaps.

At first i thought it was just a bit of absent mindedness, but as time went on it seemed more like she didn’t listen to Charlie, and didn’t really consider him in her choices.  

She hated Charlie’s best friend, Stevo. I don’t blame her, I hated him to, but she had issue with his ‘bros before ho’s’ attitude, but there were many times she put her friends before Charlie. That said, Stevo was a complete two-faced twit, and that’s putting it lightly. His attitude was less ‘bros before ho’s’ and more being a sneaky and jealous person who was determined that Charlie should spend all his time in his presence and no one else.  

As I said before, while I think she was annoying at times with her lack of thought and attention to her relationship, I did really feel for her job dilemma a bit, and there were times when she was a lot of fun. The prologue outside the church was a deeper look into Alex, and it was this that reminded me throughout the book that there was good in her overall, once she got perspective.  

Charlie was really the perfect boyfriend, and I really felt for all he put up with. He has the patience of a saint, and according to every woman in the book, absolutely gorgeous to boot.  

Overall this book was a fun read that had me laughing at times and was a great distraction throughout a time when I needed my spirits lifted.  

Gratefully received from the author for review  

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