Rachale's Reads

The Life You Left by Carmel Harrington

Carmel Harrington is an author whom I’ve heard nothing but good things about  but have somehow let pass me by. Until now that is.

Initially I found the first 10% a little hard to get into, but as soon as I got past that, something in my brain switched on and I could barely put it down. This story has some supernatural elements to it in the presence of Edward, Sarah’s Guardian Angel and Sarah’s dreams and visions. This was a subtle inclusion which drove some important plot points but they never seemed strange or out of place, just slightly magical and mysterious.  

While the book focuses on Sarah for the majority of the book, the plot that Sarah’s visions drives was a complete surprise, great, but I would not have guessed it in a million years just from the synopsis and cover. You get to see the viewpoints of a couple of different characters for this part, which I loved and while that part of the plot isn’t based on a happy event, it was a nice contrast to Sarah’s personal life and I really enjoyed the mystery element to this book.  

Sarah was a likeable character overall. She was quite shy, delicate and introverted and it was clearly because of the issues she faced with her parents, but when she was with people she loved like James and Ruby, you saw her come alive. There was one moment that really got to me about her (cue twitter rant) butane I thought it through I cut her some slack. She said it kind of in the heat of the moment, and also because I’m not a mother, I think I have a more colder outlook on it, so may have been too quick to judge her, so while at one point I was initially irked, actually it kept her grounded as a real person rather than the picture of sainthood and perfection that actually can be really annoying to read. Who wants a character you can’t relate to because they’re better than you and your insecurities in every possible way?  

Her husband, Paul, is basically the most inconsiderate person alive (well alive in the readers mind). What he does is ridiculous and despicable. Not only to Sarah, and his mother, but more importantly to his children. While I think he had a point at one moment in an argument with Sarah about money, he was completely wrong in everything else he said and did. Completely infuriating.   Sarah’s brother James was fantastic, Such a lovely character, kind and supportive, especially to Sarah. He melted my heart completely, and the scene in the gym with Ruby was hilarious.  

Overall this book is definitely one worth picking up. It’s full of emotion, unexpected mystery and a tiny hint of magic.    

Published by: HarperImpulse
Gratefully received from the Publisher for review  

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